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How are you?

Thank you for your visiting.

With the development of Internet and multimedia technology,
the non-specialist general individuals can create and share versatile contents.
This personalization accelerated technology evolution,
IP technology equipped with high-resolution and wireless communications has been expanding its application to many industries.

Under this trend,
it is our visions to provide a better solution for IP applications and device solution and their commercialization
based on IP protocol and embedded system technology.

- IP based Internet Application
- IP based Control & Management
- Embedded Device Solution

Through many studies in the future we want to provide new solutions.
And to grow as a specialized company, we will do our best .

Thank you.

Hyungsuk Choi / UCZen Ltd. CEO


상호명 : (주)유씨젠 | 대표자 : : 최형석 | 사업자등록번호 : 123-86-12894 | 통신판매번호 : 2013-경기성남-1256 |
주소 : (우:463-825) 경기도 성남시 분당구 황새울로 200번길 36 동부루트빌딩 816호 | Tel : 070-8767-6603 | Fax : 031-605-1001
